Invitation to an exhibition for peace


From 14 to 29 September, Anke de Vries and Laurent Félix-Faure are organising an exhibition of collages (Anke) and watercolours (Laurent) in favour of UNIPAZ under the title “Art in Support of Peace,” at the Craft gallery, 50 rue du Bourg, Dieulefit. All profits from the sale of our works will go to UNIPAZ to bolster its aim which is strive for a culture of peace in the world. A detailed description of UNIPAZ’s activities is included in my blog of last May. It was also an opportunity to present some beautiful paintings by the UNIPAZ President for France, Roswitha Lanquetin.

Over the years, Anke and I have had the good fortune to regularly create and exhibit our work, which has generally been well received. Now that we are retired, we have decided to donate the proceeds from our sales to good causes. Last year it was Handicap International. This year we have opted for UNIPAZ, an organisation set up by Pierre Weil, a well-known sociologist and psychologist, founder of the University for Peace in Brazil. In 2000, he was awarded an honourable mention for his work in peace education by the Director-General of UNESCO.

Our exhibition “Art in Support of Peace” prefigures and is part of the UNIPAZ Peace Festival which will be held at the Halle of Dieulefit on Friday, Saturday and Sunday 27, 28 and 29 September.

Belief in peace may seem ambitious and even impossible, especially in today’s turbulent and chaotic world. Yet after years of in-depth study and research into the wisdom traditions of Eastern cultures and the advances of modern sciencs, Pierre Weil has developed an educational system capable of tackling this monumental task. While I was reading his writings I could not help thinking of what Prince William of Orange once said back in the 16th century : “There is no need to hope in order to undertake, nor to succeed in order to persevere.”

Pierre Weil himself has stated that it will require the unconditional commitment of each and every one of us and to illustrate his philosophy, he used to quote the following little parable:

One day, a wild fire broke out in the forest. All the animals fled for their lives. Only the hummingbird stayed behind, taking a little water in its beak to throw into the fire. An armadillo stopped to watch him and asked incredulously: ‘Hummingbird, do you really think you can contain the fire like that? The hummingbird replied: ‘I know for a fact that I can’t put the fire out on my own, but I’m doing my best.”

Please note: Opening hours Craft Gallery: Tuesday – Sunday : 10h-13h / 15h30-19h or by appointment (T. 06 78 35 78 18)


Programme of the UNIPAZ Peace Festival
27 to 29 September 2024
La Halle, Dieulefit

Exhibition L’ART EN SOUTIEN DE LA PAIX (Art in Support of Peace) – Presence of the Association at the Craft Gallery on the 21st of September which is the International Peace Day.
Opening of the UNIPAZ PEACE FESTIVAL on Friday evening at 19.00 hours with music, film, general information, exchanges.
Saturday 28 September : workshops for adults and children, creative activities, discussion sessions, philosophy, non-competitive games. The film “Quels enfants laisserons-nous à la planète?” (“Who are the children we are going to leave behind on the planet?”). 
Evening : Round Table Discussion with Abdennour Bidar (philosopher, Inspector  for National Education), Isabelle Peloux (founder of the “Ecole du Colibri” (the Hummingbird school) and others involved in the culture of peace.
Sunday: Closing session, music and dances, balloon release.








Posted in: Art

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