BRIGITTE DYKMAN - “Painting is the spice of my life, my private corner, my secret garden that I nevertheless long to share with others”
Sylvain Canaux
Mireille Moser
JEAN-FRANCOIS PEREÑA - “An artist is an inspired craftsman” ~Walter Gropius
Renate de Caluwe - “In order to think in terms of art the best way is to wake up in the morning with a fresh mind eager to discover a new world.”*
Claude Merle - "More of a Fake than Nature!"
Laurent Félix-Faure - "It’s the surprise that counts!"
André Lhote and some of his followers "You need to be dazzled to see well"
Noémi Adda - “Look and then draw, and look again and keep on drawing”
Sylvie Verschoote - "Paintings, they have no use other than to please one's self!"
Patrick Grisel - "Boredom was born one day of uniformity"*
Patrick Ducré - Sculptor of Light